Course Location: Geneva Dental Institute 5327 Dewey Dr., Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Instructors: Jack Z. Danilov G.M.D.T. & Tony Daher DDS
*call for pricing and more information
Course Description
Seminar begins with Dr. Tony Daher outlining the problems encountered with Removable Partial Denture (RPD) wearers. Patients often perceive removable partial dentures as either unsightly or uncomfortable. Then he will discuss how to gather adequate diagnostic date needed to formulate an organized treatment plan that ends up in excellent outcome. The RPD treatment plan will be complete when the RPD is well designed. With the use of slides andvideo clips, Dr. Daher’s presentation will review the RPD design and treatment principles, and will focus on evidence-based procedures infabricating RPD’s using attachments and dental implants. Adescription of practical attachments and implants will be discussed using clinical example. This presentation will finish with a systematic approach to solve esthetic and functional problems through the presentation of clinical cases.
The hands-on portion of the seminar will cover many RPD design exercises. Dr. Daher will give many casts of various clinical situations to attendees to design and draw RPD frameworks. Then a discussion will follow and Dr. Daher will ask the RPD designer to defend the design in question. During these exercises, Dr. Daher will engage all attendees in an active participation and discussion of the design process.
Another session of hands-on will cover how to make multiple rests and guiding surfaces, and how to select an optimum path of insertion when teeth, crowns, attachments and implants are present.
Presentation gives 16 hours of CE credit for Dentists, Assistants, Hygienists, Technicians, Laboratory
Learning Objectives:
What are the reasons for failure in removable partial prosthetics?
What is the simplest way to design an RPD?
What type of attachments can we use?
How do we incorporate RPD features and attachments in a crowns used as RPD abutments?
How can implants help in optimizing the treatment outcome?
How do aesthetics play a role in the design of an RPD?
Course Outline
What are the reasons for failure in removable partial prosthetics?
What is the simplest way to design an RPD?
What type of attachments can we use?
How do we incorporate RPD features and attachments in crowns used as RPD abutments?
How can implants help in optimizing the treatment outcome?
How do aesthetics play a role in the design of an RPD?
The hands-on portion of the seminar will cover many RPD design exercises. Dr. Daher will give many casts of various clinical situations to attendees to design and draw RPD frameworks. The hands-on experience will be based on presentations of clinical cases, and the class will discuss the RPD design and treatment principles, and will focus on evidence-based procedures in fabricating RPD’s using attachments and dental implants.

Published Articles on the Geneva 2000 Denture Concept