TMJ & Full Mouth Rehab Course
2024 Schedule
Course Location: Geneva Dental Institute 5327 Dewey Dr., Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Instructors: Jack Z. Danilov G.M.D.T. & Tony Daher DDS
*call for pricing and more information
Controversies in Occlusion and Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunctions:
Practical and Clinical Applications.
* How to define occlusion and articulation.
*How to define Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction.
*When occlusion is ideal, physiological, or pathological.
*How to modify the occlusion when necessary.
*How to evaluate and treat muscle problems.
*When a functional analysis is necessary, and when it is not.
*What records are needed for proper occlusal restoration?
*What type of occlusal articulation is needed for different clinical situations?
*How to confirm the role of occlusion in your treatment plan.
*How to evaluate and treat bruxers.
*What are the steps to optimum occlusion and articulation through presentation of
clinical situations?

Published Articles on the Geneva 2000 Denture Concept